18 Temmuz 2014 Cuma

Configuration Jenkins Server

Today I'm gonna mention about how can we customize our Jenkins server configuration.

Firstly,opening Jenkins main page by entering http://localhost:8080/jenkins

After I opened the main page I need to sign up to the system by the help of login | sign up button at the upper right corner of the page.

Configure Global Security:

After I sign up to the server I can change my user setting by using this path: Manage Jenkins-->Configure Global Security

In this page,I need to pick Enable Security in order to change security settings

After that there are 2 titles in this page which are Security Realm and Authorization

In Security Realm; Jenkins' own user Database should be selected.

In Authorization;Matrix-based security should be selected.


We can manage all settings of Jenkins server by using Manage Jenkins-->Configure System

Configure System Page:

In this page, we can determine where Android SDK is,JDK,Ant,Maven,Jenkins Location.I want to start with Android SDK path:

Android Configuration:

I determine where my Android SDK is by giving its path like this:

/Users/zafer/Desktop/adt-bundle-mac-x86_64-20140624/sdk(this is your android sdk path)

I recommend to click Automatically install Android components when required under the text box

Java JDK Configuration:

I also set JDK path by giving name and JAVA_HOME text input

As I said before,in order to get path of JAVA_HOME we need to write echo $JAVA_HOME in terminal and we should to see output like this:

/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_60.jdk/Contents/Home(this is where your JDK is located)

after that I need to copy this path to JAVA_HOME text input

if your build type is Ant you can download it from internet as shown there

Maven Configuration:

Actually this process is same with JDK configuration so just write echo $M2 to the terminal and we need to copy this path to the text box under the maven project configuration.

echo $M2 output should be like this:


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